Friday, March 13, 2009

Alphabet Story

This is a story, or at least a want to be one, that uses every letter in the alphabet.

A fat, ugly, girl walked down the cracked sidewalk, she looked like she was in pain.
Betsy asked “What’s wrong.”
“Certainly nothing,” replied the huge girl, “I am just trying to be alone,” she said with so much anger.
Dancing down the cracked sidewalk, Betsy’s brother came, minding his own business.
Edwin was this dancing kid’s name. He passed both of them by without taking any notice to their existence.
Fortunately, Betsy didn’t even notice her brother as he danced pass on the cracked sidewalk.
Gracefully and peacefully Betsy and the ugly girl walked down the cracked sidewalk as they talked about why the ugly girl was sad.
“Ha-ha, look at that fat ugly girly,” chanted Isaac.
Isaac, a total jerk, has been teasing the fat girl since second grade.
“Jerk,” the fat girl yelled out after him. “See that is the reason I am so sad.”
“Kind, honest, and loving people are hard to find these days,” said betsy.
“Laugh all you want,” said the girl
“McKenzie, stop it, I wasn’t laughing I was supporting you.”
“Now you tell me,” said McKenzie.
“Oh, my, gosh, you are so hard to talk with, you take the simplest thing as criticism.”
“Please, you’re the one that is hard to talk to.”
“Quit it fly.” McKenzie screamed.
“Rat spitting mongoose, I am out of here, you’re on your own to deal with Isaac he can kill you for all I care.”
See you later, NOT!
Toward her house Betsy traveled. “That girl is so sensible,” she said to herself.
“Very selfish she is; I am never going to talk to her again, lunatic.” McKenzie said to herself;
“Weird how quickly people can hate someone.”
X-rays show that everybody body is the same.
Yet, people make fun of others just because they don’t like them.
Zip-a-dee –doo-da

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