Next picture to that one is Daisy attacking Miley when she was little.
The next one is daisy's puppy, Tinkerbelle.
The following one is Miley chewing a bone bigger than she is.
Ok, this blog is going to be a bunch of gibberish, I will just say whatever comes to my head. I have two dogs, and they are both Yorkshire terrier. One is about 6lbs and the other is 4lbs. The 6 pounder is named Daisy. The smaller one is named Mylee. Daisy is pregnant and is expected to have puppies around Halloween. She has had one litter before and only had one puppy. Mylee is this tiny black and gold dog. She is always excited. When you come inside, she runs to you and starts to wag her tail like a spinning propeller, especially when you say her name. She is so cute. Daisy thinks she is the queen of the house. When Mylee is held or gets any attention, Daisy has to run over and bite her legs (not literally though). Daisy never actually bites but only gnaws on your hands and toes. My dogs are attached to my mom. One time my mom was working on her laptop and Daisy, A.K.A, the Queen, wanted to be on her lap, but her laptop was there. So Daisy, being her snotty self, just laid on the keyboard. So we got a Rubbermaid container and put it so Daisy was inside and my mom could put her laptop on top of the container. It was hilarious. My dogs also like to eat used tissue out of the garbage can, which is so disgusting. As I sit here writing this blog, Mylee is just staring at me, wagging her tail. Her whole bottom shakes too when she does this. Daisy is off in my bedroom lying on my bed. We call Mylee "Smiley Mylee " because when she looks at you she looks as if she is smiling. We take them both to obedience training. Daisy can do more tricks than Mylee can. I think it is because Mylee is too scared to have people talk to her. Literally, when you say " Mylee come" she cowards down onto the ground and starts to shake like she is being electrocuted. Now I have 351/500 words, what else is there to say. Oh yeah, Mylee, the smaller one, is supposedly the one in charge. According to their dog trainer, the one who is in charge of the food is the one in charge of everything. It is really odd because when they play Mylee always gives up at the beginning. It is the funniest thing to watch; Daisy will lie on the floor and whine this wimpy groaning like sound, while Mylee is over at the food dish, guarding it. We have these miniature tennis balls for our dogs and Mylee takes the balls and puts them in her dog dish so daisy can't get them. Another thing about these dogs is that they always tease each other! For example, there are two bones on the floor; they are the same kind and both brand new. But they both want the bone that the other one has so they keep switching the bones. Right now they are staring at me from the top of the stairs whining because somebody is outside. You probably think my dogs are weird. Well you right! But if you had to live with them you would understand what I am trying to say. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. I won’t mind.
I wish I had pets....
And get rid of the things to ponder. On the "Ways to get a flat stomach", or whatever, there are bad pictures. Trust me, don't look, just delete them.
Oh, I love Yorkshires! I want one! Along with Corgis, Akitas, Chihuahuas, Pugs, Papillions (Ha ha... ugly, but cute.), Shih Tzus, Saint Bernards, Shiba Inus, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers (not the same as Labs.), German -Pinschers, -Sheperds... yeah, the list goes on. Ha ha...
Your dogs seem hilarious! I've got two, they're stupid... they act like cats. XD
I'll be sure to keep up to date on your blog!
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