On September 11, 2008 I went to the hospital to get a MRI done. I had no idea what it was, other than you had to stay very still in a long tube. I came home from school, not wanting to go to the hospital. I had so many questions and nobody had any answers. Did it hurt? How long does it take? Am I going to be alone? How big was the tube, Would I fit? Are there any bright lights? All these questions and I had no idea how it was going to be like. Right now you are probably wondering why I have to go and get a MRI. I play soccer, and when I run something is clicking in my head. I can feel it and hear it. It is like a pedometer stuck behind my forehead. Clicking on every bounce. My mom says it is something to do with sinus pressure in my nose. I hoped it was only that. When I got in the car to go to the hospital, I had my book in hand (the one I have to read for honors English.) As we drove to the hospital my mom and I talked about what we thought it would be like. She has had one done but seemed to know nothing about it. Maybe she couldn't remember or she didn't want to tell me because it would worry me. We arrived at the hospital on time. We got to do valet parking. That was cool. The door to the hospital was a revolving door but it was three times bigger and had display things in part of the door. We walked into the door and asked for directions to the MRI room. They said to go all the way down the hallway and you will see a sign that say x-ray to the left. We turned down the hall and sat it the waiting room and met up with my dad. I sat there and read the book for about two minutes before they called my name. My heart skipped a beat because it startled me and that meant my MRI was about to begin. I walked down the hall hoping I could just skip to tomorrow and not do this. We walked in the room outside the MRI, it had a bunch of computers and other weird looking stuff. The nurse took me into the MRI room. "Lay down on this bed," she told me. I laid down. "Here put these in, it gets really loud in there," she said as handing me earplugs. Great, I thought to myself, the one think I hate is loud noises unless I make them. I put the earplugs in they didn't seem to be working, everything still sounded the same. The nurse put this cage thing over my head and padding on the side to help my head stay still. There was a mirror above my head so I could see out. She walked out of the room and started to talk to me though a microphone.This first test is about 8 second long right then this loud beep came from all around me. The test werelonger than she told me each time. The noises were abstract and annoying. They sounded like a orchestra when one noise comes in and then another and keeps building up and getting louder and louder. The MRI test took about 20 minutes. She went and showed the pictures to the doctor so he could tell her if they needed to be done again. They were all fine and I got to go home unharmed. So if any of you have to go get a MRI, take better earplugs and don't worry it isn't that bad.
I love to play the drums and sports. My favorite sport would probably be soccer. I love playing music whether it is on my drum set or on the piano. I love the music group Journey. I don't really like candy, and I hate gum. As you may of notice I love pictures of nature and sunsets.
Whoa sweet picture. Did they figure out what was wrong?
The test results came back perfect. The want me to go see a ENT, (ear nose throat doctor).
Geeze, all I can say is that you've got a lot of stuff on your blog... I like to play Pacman a lot. :)
Wow. That would scare me so bad! but I'm glad the results came back perfect
hey little bro! nice blog. have fun in this class!
I had to go into an MRI thingy too. That was for my migrane problem. We still don't know what's wrong...
I had an MRI taken last year for my migraine too. They thought that I had blood in my brain, but luckily it turned out that I didn't.
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