Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Getting Old In Time
Friday, November 28, 2008
Dream House
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Update on my puppies.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
What would you be?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Coolest Inventions
1. A time travel machine: I wonder how much it would change about what we know of the past. People could do things over again. I wonder if time travel was an everyday thing would there be laws and rules that you have to obey. I bet it would be expensive and the person that invented it would be the richest man alive. It would probably cost a lot of money to have one. Maybe it would use up a lot of electricity.
2. Jet pack: Whenever I am walking home I always think of some way I could get home faster. One day I got on Google Earth and measured the distance from my house to the school, it was .89 of a mile. Then I measured a straight line and it measured .41 of a mile. That is less than half. If I flew with a jet pack I could get there a lot faster, and it wouldn’t take much effort. I wonder if the government actually has jet packs but they aren’t released to the public.
3. A mind robot: it is a robot that you program it to read your mind and then complete the task for you. Like if you forgot some homework you could use telepathy to tell it what to do, all you have to do is “think”, and it is being completed. The person who created this robot sensation would be a pretty rich person as well.
4. Automatic Lawn Mowing Machine: Wouldn’t that be cool, to have a small machine cut the grass for you. All you have to do is put it on the grass and let it go. It would have sensors that tell it were it has cut and hasn’t. You can mulch the grass because you could do it more often. It would be perfect you could program the robot how you want your grass to look (like stripes or half and half). The only bad thing is that all the people, (me included) that mow lawns wouldn’t get any money. I earn most of my money mowing lawns and I don’t think that I would like it to take my job, maybe I could let it do my yard because I don’t get a penny for mowin’ it.
There would be a lot of things that would be fun to invent but most of them would change the society. Everybody would be do things different than they used to. People would rely on technology to do everything for them. I know these sound cool but like in Walle people would get fat and do nothing.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
My little sister stayed up all night with my parents, she was determined to see daisy birth the puppies. I personally think that it would be a blast watching that. (That was sarcastic) My sister wants to be a vet when she gets older; that is why she was totally psyched about it. At 2:43 my sister comes storming into the room, turns on the light, and screams, “she just had one puppy.” “What time?” I asked. “About ten minutes ago.” Why didn’t you come and get me sooner?” “I was watching the whole thing and didn’t want to miss it,” she said. Typical, she wouldn’t miss it for the world. I walked downstairs where I saw my dad relaxing on the far end of the couch. (He doesn’t really get a kick out of watching the dog give birth.) my mom, who also is intrigued and spends hours researching what she should do if something went wrong, was sitting next to the place where all this exciting action was taking place. We were wondering if there was going to be another puppy coming out because nothing was happening except daisy was giving the new born girl a proper licking bath. I sat down there for 5 min. before I was about to fall asleep on the floor. I went to bed and fell asleep instantly.
In the morning everybody woke up early to give there undivided attention to the, limited time only, new addition to our family. There were 2 puppies in the morning, both girls. My mom, dad, and little sister named the puppies the night before. The one who came out first is called Bones, you get it; it was right after Halloween, I thought it was kind of cheesy. The second one they named Boo, because she came out an hour after Bones, kind of like peek-a-BOO. I will try to get pictures on here. Please leave your comments.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Dream Vacation
“Good night, by the way, we are going to the Joneses’ house tomorrow for dinner” my mom whispered to me.
“Good night, see you in the morning,” I replied.
“You have good dreams’ now, Ok,” she told me as she was walking away.
I lay there, thinking about what would be fun to dream about tonight. Should I fly or travel time. I know, what about a vacation somewhere that I could do or have anything that I wanted…………………..
“Can I take you luggage?” a young man with black hair asked.
“Please and thank you,” I said. The man walked off, across the bridge and into the 1,100 foot cruise ship. I stared, mesmerized by the immensely big ship. ‘Freedom of the Seas’ was printed along the side of the ship in rainbow colors. Black dots scattered the side of the ship some had people staring out of them, watching the oncoming tourists. I started the long walk from the bridged elevated a hundred feet above the ground. The bridge was clear glass; it was like you were walking on air.
“Can I have your ID?” the man in white sailor clothes asked.
“Oh, what is this for?” I asked as I pulled out this credit card shaped like thing; it had printed the boats name and its cruise ship company, Luxury Liners.
“It’s is used as a room key and shows you room number, it will be also used for extra stuff you buy to be billed to you account. Since you won the contest on the radio you won’t need to worry about the cost of anything.
He then swiped my card and a ding-dong noise sounded and my picture came up.
“Thank you,” I said as he handed it back to me.
I went through a security check, and passed some advertisement, wanting me to buy cups or hats with the name of the cruise ship on it. I looked my card to see where I would be saying. ‘Suite 1,’ sweet, a suite. I laughed to myself for the joke I made. I looked around to find a sign showing the location of my suite. Ahaw, I followed the directions to get to my suite. I found it and swiped my card. I pushed the door open, WOW! I couldn’t believe my eyes; I blinked a couple times to see if my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me. The ground was glass with water underneath. The walls were splattered with every color that existed. I had a queen bed to myself, no more sharing with my brother. “Ah” I screamed as a fish appeared below my feet. One by one, more and more, appeared they were yellow with a silver stripes along their back.
“Knock, Knock, Knock”
“Who is it?”
“Room service.”
“Come in.”
“I have you bags and I wanted to see if you are comfortable,” a tall man that looked like he was in his 40’s and had dark brown hair.
“I am fine,” I replied.
“That is great, I will be cleaning you room twice a day once at 10:00 AM and once while you are at dinner. If you have any questions or concerns, please, let me know. What is your name?”
“Travis, why.” I asked.
“I am going to label your door ‘Travis’s Room.”
“Ok thanks for brining my luggage up here.”
“No problem,” he said as he was walking out of the room.
“Wait, where is the men’s room?”
“Go straight down the hallway and turn left you can’t miss it.”
What should I do now; I grabbed the map and looked for anything that looked interesting. H2O zone, now that sounds fun. I dug though my suitcase and found my swimming suite. I rushed out the door, and followed the directions on the map to the 14 floor and found the H2O zone. WOW! It was amazing. The ceiling was glass so it could be used during bad weather but still let the heat from the sun to get through. There was a water fall coming from the balcony of the H2O zone. There was this colorful seahorse looking thing in the middle spraying water in every direction. Soft, squishy, blue, matting covered the floor, so it wouldn’t hurt walking across it in bare feet. One pool was a basketball court but covered with water, another pool looked like you could play water polo. There was a huge lazy river with the current flowing really fast. 3 water slides ranging from beginner to expert. I played in the H2O zone for the rest of the day. My hand and feet were wrinkled so bad that it looked like I went through a time machine and turned into an old grandpa. I cantered along the ship admiring all the things that are possible to do, weight rooms bigger that my house, dining rooms with 4 levels, and an crystal chandelier, lounges with top of the line leather furniture, casinos, (I didn’t really pay too much attention to those) the game room with 10 pool tables, 10 air hockey, 10 ping pong tables and many more arcade games, and the main room in the center of the ship. That was so cool; the glass roof hundreds of feet above me. You could see all the floors of the ship, 8 elevators surrounded the perimeter of the room. I fell asleep very fast that night, I was exhausted. I wanted to skip the night so I could explore and play more the next day.
“Ding…..dong…….ding…….dong,” my alarm sounded.
“Nnnnnnnnooooooooo,” I cried “it was just getting good.”
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Why is Halloween a holiday, why is it a day that you are allowed to scare people? Why is it, on October 31st when you leave your warm house and go outside in freezing cold weather and say trick-or-treat? Why do you get candy and watch scary movies on Halloween? Why do people say trick-or-treat when they only want a treat? Why do we carve pumpkins and put a candle in them, it is not like it scares a lot of people? Why do people dress up and run around being scary? All these questions and I don’t have any answers? I personally don’t like Halloween; the candy, scaring, coldness, and costumes. I like a little bit of candy but can’t have too much of it or I will get sick. I like scaring others but don’t like being scared myself, which is probably the same with everybody. I especially don’t like going out in the cold. In this climate it is pretty cold at nights during the end of October. I like carving pumpkins. I love the smell of pumpkins, and the taste. Why do we have pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving and not on Halloween? In my family all the candy has to be gone by Thanksgiving or it will be put into a bowl for everybody will eat. I don’t think this is enough time, me personally I maybe could have half of it gone by then. On the other hand my brother is a candyholic. He will eat candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I share a bedroom with him so I have to change my candy hiding place in my bedroom weekly so he won’t eat it all. He is one of those little boys that will have their candy gone within two days of Halloween. I don’t know how he fits it all in but in is gone so quick and I had not seen him eat it I would guess that he would have thrown it away or auctioned it off. He doesn’t even stop to throw away his wrapper. He pours all his candy into the biggest bowl we have and just keeps it in there until there are just wrappers. In my family, now that everybody is old enough to go out by themselves, my parents stay home and sit. They probably think it is the best holiday because their kids aren’t around to annoy them. I looked up when Halloween started and it said about 2,200 years ago. When they would sacrifice animal with costumes on, (I guess that is where the costume ideas came from.) That is a long time ago. Anyway, the rest of my family isn’t a big fan of Halloween, but I went to somebody’s house last week and boy, they were ready for Halloween. Their house was filled with ghosts, fog machines, pumpkins, little toy decorations, and a bunch of other stuff. And they don’t even have any kids to send trick or treating. I guess that is what happens when you get older. I think Halloween a day in some countries where there is a day set aside so people can have an excuse to pig out on all the candy.

Saturday, October 11, 2008
The Neighbors Dogs
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Soccer Seems So Easy
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Do you like to think?
Here are some questions that make you think.
1. Is there such a thing as a trick answer?
2. In exams why does it say 'Write in your own words'? Surely you can't just go and make up your own words?
3. Why are the good answers always the ones you think of later?
4. Don't we all know all the answers just as long as they ask the right questions?
5. Does being right half the time beat being half-right all the time?
6. Why is it we feel dumb when we don't know the answer and totally stupid when we see it?
7. Isn't it frustrating when you know all the answers but nobody bothers to ask you the questions?
8. Why is it that when you're taking an open-book test the teacher automatically fails you if he catches you copying your classmate's answer? Aren't you both supposed to have the same answer?
9. Has anyone else not taken an IQ test for fear of learning that you really aren't as smart as you think you are?
10. How is it that teenagers can memorize 30 phone numbers, but can't remember last night's assignment?
11. Why is Barney purple?
12Why doesn't Barney wear pants?
13Doesn't Fred Flintstone ever get tired of seeing the same movie at the beginning of every show?
14. Why do people always ask us how many birthdays we've had? Doesn't everybody only have one?
15.Doesn't a gentleman always remember a lady's birthday, but never her age?
16. If you're born at exactly midnight, is your birthday on both of those days?
17. If you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake and then wish that one candle stays lit, do you get your wish?
18. If you're born on an airplane over international waters, what nationality are you?
19. Why do we sometimes say that we are in a pickle or jam when we are in a sticky situation? Wouldn't being in peanut butter be a better comparison?
20.Why do we say something's out of order when its broken but we never say in of order when it works?
21Why is it that when watching an action thriller, mystery, horror, or suspense movie with some friends and it goes dead silent the person beside you always says "It's too quiet!"?
22. Why are soccer teams in England forced to modify the referee's changing rooms to make them accessible for the blind?
Since some of you are getting your license, I thought it would be wise in telling you things that you should NOT tell a police officer.
1. Hey, you must've been doing' about 125 mph to keep up with me. Good job!
2. You're not gonna check the trunk, are you?
3. Gee, Officer! That's terrific. The last officer only gave me a warning, too!
4.When the Officer says "Gee Son....Your eyes look red, have you been drinking?" You probably shouldn't respond with, "Gee Officer your eyes look glazed, have you been eating doughnuts?"
5. Sorry, Officer, I didn't realize my radar detector wasn't plugged in.
6. I thought you had to be in good physical condition to be a police officer.
Friday, September 19, 2008
My Psycho Dogs
Next picture to that one is Daisy attacking Miley when she was little.
The next one is daisy's puppy, Tinkerbelle.
The following one is Miley chewing a bone bigger than she is.
Ok, this blog is going to be a bunch of gibberish, I will just say whatever comes to my head. I have two dogs, and they are both Yorkshire terrier. One is about 6lbs and the other is 4lbs. The 6 pounder is named Daisy. The smaller one is named Mylee. Daisy is pregnant and is expected to have puppies around Halloween. She has had one litter before and only had one puppy. Mylee is this tiny black and gold dog. She is always excited. When you come inside, she runs to you and starts to wag her tail like a spinning propeller, especially when you say her name. She is so cute. Daisy thinks she is the queen of the house. When Mylee is held or gets any attention, Daisy has to run over and bite her legs (not literally though). Daisy never actually bites but only gnaws on your hands and toes. My dogs are attached to my mom. One time my mom was working on her laptop and Daisy, A.K.A, the Queen, wanted to be on her lap, but her laptop was there. So Daisy, being her snotty self, just laid on the keyboard. So we got a Rubbermaid container and put it so Daisy was inside and my mom could put her laptop on top of the container. It was hilarious. My dogs also like to eat used tissue out of the garbage can, which is so disgusting. As I sit here writing this blog, Mylee is just staring at me, wagging her tail. Her whole bottom shakes too when she does this. Daisy is off in my bedroom lying on my bed. We call Mylee "Smiley Mylee " because when she looks at you she looks as if she is smiling. We take them both to obedience training. Daisy can do more tricks than Mylee can. I think it is because Mylee is too scared to have people talk to her. Literally, when you say " Mylee come" she cowards down onto the ground and starts to shake like she is being electrocuted. Now I have 351/500 words, what else is there to say. Oh yeah, Mylee, the smaller one, is supposedly the one in charge. According to their dog trainer, the one who is in charge of the food is the one in charge of everything. It is really odd because when they play Mylee always gives up at the beginning. It is the funniest thing to watch; Daisy will lie on the floor and whine this wimpy groaning like sound, while Mylee is over at the food dish, guarding it. We have these miniature tennis balls for our dogs and Mylee takes the balls and puts them in her dog dish so daisy can't get them. Another thing about these dogs is that they always tease each other! For example, there are two bones on the floor; they are the same kind and both brand new. But they both want the bone that the other one has so they keep switching the bones. Right now they are staring at me from the top of the stairs whining because somebody is outside. You probably think my dogs are weird. Well you right! But if you had to live with them you would understand what I am trying to say. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. I won’t mind.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
On September 11, 2008 I