Why is Halloween a holiday, why is it a day that you are allowed to scare people? Why is it, on October 31st when you leave your warm house and go outside in freezing cold weather and say trick-or-treat? Why do you get candy and watch scary movies on Halloween? Why do people say trick-or-treat when they only want a treat? Why do we carve pumpkins and put a candle in them, it is not like it scares a lot of people? Why do people dress up and run around being scary? All these questions and I don’t have any answers? I personally don’t like Halloween; the candy, scaring, coldness, and costumes. I like a little bit of candy but can’t have too much of it or I will get sick. I like scaring others but don’t like being scared myself, which is probably the same with everybody. I especially don’t like going out in the cold. In this climate it is pretty cold at nights during the end of October. I like carving pumpkins. I love the smell of pumpkins, and the taste. Why do we have pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving and not on Halloween? In my family all the candy has to be gone by Thanksgiving or it will be put into a bowl for everybody will eat. I don’t think this is enough time, me personally I maybe could have half of it gone by then. On the other hand my brother is a candyholic. He will eat candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I share a bedroom with him so I have to change my candy hiding place in my bedroom weekly so he won’t eat it all. He is one of those little boys that will have their candy gone within two days of Halloween. I don’t know how he fits it all in but in is gone so quick and I had not seen him eat it I would guess that he would have thrown it away or auctioned it off. He doesn’t even stop to throw away his wrapper. He pours all his candy into the biggest bowl we have and just keeps it in there until there are just wrappers. In my family, now that everybody is old enough to go out by themselves, my parents stay home and sit. They probably think it is the best holiday because their kids aren’t around to annoy them. I looked up when Halloween started and it said about 2,200 years ago. When they would sacrifice animal with costumes on, (I guess that is where the costume ideas came from.) That is a long time ago. Anyway, the rest of my family isn’t a big fan of Halloween, but I went to somebody’s house last week and boy, they were ready for Halloween. Their house was filled with ghosts, fog machines, pumpkins, little toy decorations, and a bunch of other stuff. And they don’t even have any kids to send trick or treating. I guess that is what happens when you get older. I think Halloween a day in some countries where there is a day set aside so people can have an excuse to pig out on all the candy.

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