Saturday, September 27, 2008

Do you like to think?

Here are some questions that make you think.

1. Is there such a thing as a trick answer?

2. In exams why does it say 'Write in your own words'? Surely you can't just go and make up your own words?

3. Why are the good answers always the ones you think of later?

4. Don't we all know all the answers just as long as they ask the right questions?

5. Does being right half the time beat being half-right all the time?

6. Why is it we feel dumb when we don't know the answer and totally stupid when we see it?

7. Isn't it frustrating when you know all the answers but nobody bothers to ask you the questions?

8. Why is it that when you're taking an open-book test the teacher automatically fails you if he catches you copying your classmate's answer? Aren't you both supposed to have the same answer?

9. Has anyone else not taken an IQ test for fear of learning that you really aren't as smart as you think you are?

10. How is it that teenagers can memorize 30 phone numbers, but can't remember last night's assignment?

11. Why is Barney purple?

12Why doesn't Barney wear pants?

13Doesn't Fred Flintstone ever get tired of seeing the same movie at the beginning of every show?

14. Why do people always ask us how many birthdays we've had? Doesn't everybody only have one?

15.Doesn't a gentleman always remember a lady's birthday, but never her age?

16. If you're born at exactly midnight, is your birthday on both of those days?

17. If you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake and then wish that one candle stays lit, do you get your wish?

18. If you're born on an airplane over international waters, what nationality are you?

19. Why do we sometimes say that we are in a pickle or jam when we are in a sticky situation? Wouldn't being in peanut butter be a better comparison?

20.Why do we say something's out of order when its broken but we never say in of order when it works?

21Why is it that when watching an action thriller, mystery, horror, or suspense movie with some friends and it goes dead silent the person beside you always says "It's too quiet!"?

22. Why are soccer teams in England forced to modify the referee's changing rooms to make them accessible for the blind?

Since some of you are getting your license, I thought it would be wise in telling you things that you should NOT tell a police officer.

1. Hey, you must've been doing' about 125 mph to keep up with me. Good job!

2. You're not gonna check the trunk, are you?

3. Gee, Officer! That's terrific. The last officer only gave me a warning, too!

4.When the Officer says "Gee Son....Your eyes look red, have you been drinking?" You probably shouldn't respond with, "Gee Officer your eyes look glazed, have you been eating doughnuts?"

5. Sorry, Officer, I didn't realize my radar detector wasn't plugged in.

6. I thought you had to be in good physical condition to be a police officer.

Friday, September 19, 2008

My Psycho Dogs

Ok the top picture with three dogs: Left: Daisy's playmate (stud dog), Middle: Mylee Right: Daisy.
Next picture to that one is Daisy attacking Miley when she was little.
The next one is daisy's puppy, Tinkerbelle.
The following one is Miley chewing a bone bigger than she is.

Ok, this blog is going to be a bunch of gibberish, I will just say whatever comes to my head. I have two dogs, and they are both Yorkshire terrier. One is about 6lbs and the other is 4lbs. The 6 pounder is named Daisy. The smaller one is named Mylee. Daisy is pregnant and is expected to have puppies around Halloween. She has had one litter before and only had one puppy. Mylee is this tiny black and gold dog. She is always excited. When you come inside, she runs to you and starts to wag her tail like a spinning propeller, especially when you say her name. She is so cute. Daisy thinks she is the queen of the house. When Mylee is held or gets any attention, Daisy has to run over and bite her legs (not literally though). Daisy never actually bites but only gnaws on your hands and toes. My dogs are attached to my mom. One time my mom was working on her laptop and Daisy, A.K.A, the Queen, wanted to be on her lap, but her laptop was there. So Daisy, being her snotty self, just laid on the keyboard. So we got a Rubbermaid container and put it so Daisy was inside and my mom could put her laptop on top of the container. It was hilarious. My dogs also like to eat used tissue out of the garbage can, which is so disgusting. As I sit here writing this blog, Mylee is just staring at me, wagging her tail. Her whole bottom shakes too when she does this. Daisy is off in my bedroom lying on my bed. We call Mylee "Smiley Mylee " because when she looks at you she looks as if she is smiling. We take them both to obedience training. Daisy can do more tricks than Mylee can. I think it is because Mylee is too scared to have people talk to her. Literally, when you say " Mylee come" she cowards down onto the ground and starts to shake like she is being electrocuted. Now I have 351/500 words, what else is there to say. Oh yeah, Mylee, the smaller one, is supposedly the one in charge. According to their dog trainer, the one who is in charge of the food is the one in charge of everything. It is really odd because when they play Mylee always gives up at the beginning. It is the funniest thing to watch; Daisy will lie on the floor and whine this wimpy groaning like sound, while Mylee is over at the food dish, guarding it. We have these miniature tennis balls for our dogs and Mylee takes the balls and puts them in her dog dish so daisy can't get them. Another thing about these dogs is that they always tease each other! For example, there are two bones on the floor; they are the same kind and both brand new. But they both want the bone that the other one has so they keep switching the bones. Right now they are staring at me from the top of the stairs whining because somebody is outside. You probably think my dogs are weird. Well you right! But if you had to live with them you would understand what I am trying to say. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. I won’t mind.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


On September 11, 2008 I
went to the hospital to get a MRI done. I had no idea what it was, other than you had to stay very still in a long tube. I came home from school, not wanting to go to the hospital. I had so many questions and nobody had any answers. Did it hurt? How long does it take? Am I going to be alone? How big was the tube, Would I fit? Are there any bright lights? All these questions and I had no idea how it was going to be like. Right now you are probably wondering why I have to go and get a MRI. I play soccer, and when I run something is clicking in my head. I can feel it and hear it. It is like a pedometer stuck behind my forehead. Clicking on every bounce. My mom says it is something to do with sinus pressure in my nose. I hoped it was only that. When I got in the car to go to the hospital, I had my book in hand (the one I have to read for honors English.) As we drove to the hospital my mom and I talked about what we thought it would be like. She has had one done but seemed to know nothing about it. Maybe she couldn't remember or she didn't want to tell me because it would worry me. We arrived at the hospital on time. We got to do valet parking. That was cool. The door to the hospital was a revolving door but it was three times bigger and had display things in part of the door. We walked into the door and asked for directions to the MRI room. They said to go all the way down the hallway and you will see a sign that say x-ray to the left. We turned down the hall and sat it the waiting room and met up with my dad. I sat there and read the book for about two minutes before they called my name. My heart skipped a beat because it startled me and that meant my MRI was about to begin. I walked down the hall hoping I could just skip to tomorrow and not do this. We walked in the room outside the MRI, it had a bunch of computers and other weird looking stuff. The nurse took me into the MRI room. "Lay down on this bed," she told me. I laid down. "Here put these in, it gets really loud in there," she said as handing me earplugs. Great, I thought to myself, the one think I hate is loud noises unless I make them. I put the earplugs in they didn't seem to be working, everything still sounded the same. The nurse put this cage thing over my head and padding on the side to help my head stay still. There was a mirror above my head so I could see out. She walked out of the room and started to talk to me though a microphone. This first test is about 8 second long right then this loud beep came from all around me. The test were longer than she told me each time. The noises were abstract and annoying. They sounded like a orchestra when one noise comes in and then another and keeps building up and getting louder and louder. The MRI test took about 20 minutes. She went and showed the pictures to the doctor so he could tell her if they needed to be done again. They were all fine and I got to go home unharmed. So if any of you have to go get a MRI, take better earplugs and don't worry it isn't that bad.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hello World!